Bring your pan to make sure your turkey will fit. Make sure the person picking up your turkeys knows the correct size.
We don't mark each one with a name since we sell about 3,000 turkeys around the holidays, so please know the size you order is an approximation.
We take Cash (prefer cash being a small business and wanted to avoid credit card fees) and Credit Cards (American Express & Visa), but do NOT take checks.
Our turkeys are fed a corn meal mash (no hormones of any kind). They are free range (not in cages).. You can see them from the road.
We can split a larger turkey if you'd like two small ones or just a small half of a turkey (for the smaller families). You can buy extra parts of the turkey for gravy,etc.
Turkey orders are a must. If you can't get through by phone, try email, or just stop by-we'll try to find something to fit your needs if we haven't sold out.
We are open year round for chickens and eggs (if you call ahead, we can get you a turkey typically).
We recommend a pound to a 1 1/2 lbs. per person. Figure that there are bones in the turkey. The recommended size for a full, meaty turkey is 20 lbs. Ours range from 17-40 lbs typically.
Generally our turkeys can be kept in the fridge for 3 days. If you want to keep it longer, put it in the freezer for a day or two to get a cold crust and then move it to the fridge.
Your turkey is still alive when you order, so know that we will try to get as close to your size as possible.
We aren't considered organic. There are regulations, as well as a process that is needed to be evaluated as organic, but we consider our poultry to be natural- no hormones and free range.
Pull up the driveway and there is a building marked "store" on your right
We reuse egg cartons and plastic/paper grocery bags. We recylce old ink cartridges / cell phones (in support of a local high school). We also collect tabs off the top of soda cans for Ronald McDonald House.